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Complaints Policy

At Fotbo Company (Podaon SIA), we prioritize transparency, accountability, and the satisfaction of our customers. As part of our commitment to providing exceptional service, we have established clear guidelines and procedures for addressing complaints, appeals, and feedback through our Abuse Department.

How to Contact the Abuse Department?

If you have any complaints or concerns regarding our services, you can easily reach out to our Abuse Department through the following channels:
  • Email: Send an email to [email protected] detailing your complaint along with any relevant information.
  • Support Ticket: Submit a support ticket via your Personal account dashboard, selecting the Abuse Department for complaints. Provide comprehensive details of the issue to expedite resolution.

Types of Abuse

Critical Complaints Requiring Prompt ResponseCritical complaints involve severe violations of our terms of service, including but not limited to: Phishing, Spamming, Mail relay, DDoS attacks, Distribution of viruses, Port scanning, Bruteforce attacks, Distribution of child pornography, Unauthorized streaming broadcasts, Illegal gambling activities, Public proxy and commercial VPN services. In such cases, the provision of services is immediately notified or suspended pending an investigation and decision. Below is a list of the types of abuse that may occur on the client side. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and may evolve over time:
  • Spam (outbound): Any unsolicited email sent to end users who have not opted to receive such communications. Spam is often characterized by its repetitive nature and lack of consent from the recipient.
  • Spamvertising (hosted redirect and payloads): Occurs when a provider's end user engages a third party to advertise its web presence through spam emails promoting overhyped products or services. This form of abuse often involves the dissemination of misleading or deceptive advertisements to unsuspecting recipients.
  • Phishing outbound (hosting and inbound for client credentials): Phishing involves fraudulent attempts to obtain sensitive information such as login credentials by impersonating legitimate entities, often through fake websites or emails. This type of abuse can lead to identity theft, financial loss, and unauthorized access to personal or corporate data. Phishing happens primarily when an end-user account has been compromised, almost always as a result of outdated scripts run by end users. A phishing site is a fraudulent site purporting to be a legitimate company, like Bank of America or PayPal, that directs the individual to enter confidential information. The phishers then have everything they need to rob the individual who has just been scammed.
  • Hacked or defaced pages: Cases where accounts are compromised, leading to unauthorized access, modification, or destruction of web pages, often accompanied by injection of malicious code or bots. Hacked or defaced pages can undermine the integrity and trustworthiness of a website, damaging its reputation and causing harm to visitors. Frequently hackers will also inject malicious code or upload bots that are set to cause additional problems. Most accounts are compromised due to end users’ out-of-date CMS (Content Management System). Third parties and law enforcement agencies analyze these events and provide information about how to repair hacked sites.
  • CAM - Child Abuse Material: Material depicting child sexual abuse, including images, videos, or any related content. Also known as Child Abuse Material (CAM) or Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM), this type of abuse is illegal and highly unethical. Hosting such material can have severe legal consequences and perpetuates exploitation and harm against children. CAM is often discussed using a number of other terms, such as “child porn” or “kiddie porn,” which should be avoided as they minimize the impact of this material both on the children involved and within society in general.They can also be called CSAM - Child Sexual Abuse Material.Used the abbreviations "CAM"(Child Abuse Material), "CEM"(Child Exploitative Material)and "CAI" (Child Abuse Images).
  • DMCA - Copyright and trademark/intellectual property issues: Infringement of copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights, including unauthorized distribution or use of protected materials. This type of abuse undermines the rights of content creators and owners, leading to financial losses and reputational damage. For online U.S. copyright law, see http://www.copyright.gov/reports/studies/dmca/dmca_executive.html. Other copyright regimes apply in other jurisdictions.
  • DDoS - Distributed denial of service and other outbound hostile traffic (hosted amplification, redirect, botnet C&C hosts): Coordinated attacks aimed at disrupting the normal operation of services by overwhelming them with a flood of traffic or other malicious activities. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks and other forms of hostile traffic can render services inaccessible, causing downtime, financial losses, and reputational damage.
  • Malicious signups (whack-a-mole/multi-account, multi-platform): Creation of multiple fraudulent accounts across various platforms or services, often used for nefarious purposes such as spamming or fraudulent activities. Malicious signups can lead to abuse of resources, violation of terms of service, and disruption of legitimate user activities.
Please note that the descriptions provided are intended to give an overview of each abuse type, and specific instances may vary in nature and severity. Our Abuse Department takes all reports seriously and investigates each case thoroughly to ensure appropriate action is taken in accordance with our policies and legal obligations.

How Do We Respond to the Abuse Department?

Upon receiving a complaint, our Abuse Department takes prompt action to address the issue:
  • Abuse Notification: The complaint is forwarded to the respective customer for review and action. If necessary, a template message with required email settings adjustments is sent to the customer.
  • Response Timeframe: Customers are provided with a specific timeframe to react or rectify the situation based on the type of abuse.
  • Customer Action: Customers are responsible for analyzing and correcting the situation, providing a response accordingly.
  • Assistance: If the issue involves email configuration errors or viruses, we offer assistance to the customer in adjusting settings or conducting security checks.
  • Non-Response: In the absence of a timely response from the customer, ports may be blocked until the situation is resolved, accompanied by a follow-up message to the customer.
  • Education and Warning: Customers are advised to exercise caution and informed of email configuration rules to prevent future occurrences.
  • Delisting Process: If necessary, delisting actions are carried out. The sender of the abuse notifications is notified of the actions taken or the outcome, if the server/service is suspended.


Priorities according to M3AAWG - The Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group.Remediation priorities provide customers recommendations regarding the priority of complaints take into account the severity of the abuse and the scope of the particular problem. An individual assessment of issues that may change the priority level for a given client is also used.
Priority LevelComplaint Priorities for System Abuse
Critical (P0)- Botnet C&C, BCL - Spamhaus SBL - Child exploitation (CAM, CSAM)
High (P1)- DDoS, Synflood - Phishing sites - Data theft on network - Scam сryptocurrency investment - Drugs selling and distributing
Medium (P2)- Port scanning - Dictionary/bruteforce attacks - Hacking/cracking - Malware - Viruses. Spreading of viruses.
Low (P3)- Spam - Spamvertising on network - Spamvertising support network - Terrorism propaganda - Remote file injection - Exploited Vulnerabilities
Very Low (P4)- Illegal gambling - Unauthorized streaming broadcasts - Web defacement - Copyrights and trademark issues. - Comment spamming

Violations Leading to Termination of Cooperation

We take violations of our terms of service seriously, and repeated or severe offenses may lead to the termination of cooperation:
  • Accounts may be blocked if there is a lack of response to serious complaints.
  • Repeated or frequent violations of our terms of service are grounds for terminating cooperation.
  • In cases of numerous complaints related to critical violations, cooperation may be terminated in addition to service suspension.


At Fotbo Company (Podaon SIA), we are dedicated to maintaining a safe and secure environment for all our customers. Your feedback and cooperation in adhering to our policies are essential in achieving this goal. We thank you for your understanding and collaboration. Should you have any questions or require further clarification regarding our complaints, appeals, and feedback policy, please do not hesitate to contact our Abuse Department.